Is your Social Security Number on your birth certificate?

A man looking with a magnifying glass more precisely to see if his social security number is on his birth certificate

No, your social security number is not typically included on your birth certificate. Birth certificates mainly contain information about your birth, such as your name, date and place of birth, parent’s names, and sometimes other details like birth weight and time.

Your SSN is a unique identifier issued by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for taxation and social security purposes. It is not directly related to your birth information and is considered sensitive personal information.

While the Social Security Number (SSN) may have significance for identification purposes, it is typically not routinely recorded on birth certificates. This omission is due to several reasons:

Where can I find my social security number if it’s not on my birth certificate?

Your social security number is typically issued to you separately by the Social Security Administration (SSA). You will receive a social security card with your SSN printed on it when you apply for it, usually shortly after your birth or later in life when you start working or apply for benefits.

If you don’t have your social security card in hand, you could try one of the following options:

❗ To request a replacement Social Security Card, you can begin by ordering a certified copy of your birth certificate here. The Social Security Administration (SSA) requires this document for processing your card replacement request.

Remember to keep your SSN secure and only provide it to trusted entities when necessary to protect your identity and prevent identity theft. If you are unable to locate your SSN or need assistance, you can contact the Social Security Administration for further guidance.