II. Informed Consent Guidance - How to Prepare a Readable Consent Form

The JHM IRB recommends that the reading level of the informed consent document should be no higher than an 8th grade level. The IRB recognizes that some consent forms are of such a technical nature that it may not be possible to keep to an 8 th grade reading level. The investigator may discuss with the OHSR Consent Form Specialists problems she/he has in trying to keep consent text at a low reading level.

To test the level and clarity of the consent form, we suggest that you:

a) read the form out loud to colleagues/staff and test it on a target audience; and

b) use the word processing tool available to check grade level.

[For Microsoft Word, (1) on the “File” tab, click the “Options” button; (2) on the “Proofing” tab, under “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word”, make sure “Check grammar with spelling” is selected; (3) under “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word”, select the “Show readability statistics” check box. After the grammar check is complete, Word displays a message box showing you the readability grade-level ]

Drafting tips for preparing consent forms:

Describing Study Procedures

NOTE: the following websites and word substitution file are helpful for drafting consent forms: