To implement the RFS program, EPA tracks production and use of qualifying renewable fuel using Renewable Identification Numbers or RINs. These RINs are generated by renewable fuel producers or importers and are bought and sold “attached” to the renewable fuel until the fuel is purchased by an “obligated party” (a refiner or importer of gasoline or diesel fuel) or blended with a petroleum-based transportation fuel. At that point the RIN is “separated” from the fuel and may thereafter be independently bought or sold until it is retired to meet an obligated party’s renewable volume obligation.
The RIN Price chart below shows historical, weekly, volume-weighted average RIN price data for separated RINs by transfer date. The datasets are from the standard trade transactions in the EPA Moderated Transaction System (EMTS) and specific to RINs starting from year 2010. The following price filters are applied to the dataset to remove the outliers:
(Click on the dropdown box to change displayed report)
The RIN Price dataset shows historical, weekly, volume-weighted average RIN price data for separated RINs. Price filters (described above) are applied to this dataset.
(Click on the dropdown box to change displayed report)
The Transaction Volume dataset shows historical, weekly, aggregated RIN transaction volumes for both separated and assigned RINs.
(Click on the dropdown box to change displayed report)
The Annual RIN Sale Transactions dataset provides a summary of RIN sales transactions in EMTS. The dataset provides categorical total RIN sales by compliance year, grouped by RIN year and RIN type (D-code). RIN sales totals have been aggregated into five regulatory categories.
Export Table will export the data as a CSV file.
Each entity in EMTS is grouped into one of the following five categories. To prevent double counting, entities with activity under two or more categories are aggregated under only one category from the list below, starting with “Refiner.” As an example, if an entity had activity that was both an “Exporter” and a “RIN Originator,” the entity would only be grouped under “Exporter.”
The aggregated RIN sales transactions and holding aggregated data are from EMTS and are specific to RINs generated starting from year 2010. Year 2010 was a transition year from RFS1 to RFS2. The Year 2010 RINs in these tables include only RFS2 RINs generated in EMTS after July 1, 2010.