What Can Happen if Your Agency Does Not Comply With a FOIA Request Properly

Not complying with FOIA requests can result in both legal and professional headaches.

April 20, 2023

Since 1967, The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows the public to request records from federal agencies, which must disclose any information requested unless it falls under one of nine exemptions. All 50 states and the District of Columbia have similar statutes.

It is important to note that individual states may have their own FOIA laws that provide additional access to information and may have different requirements and exemptions.

To comply with the law, promote transparency, operate efficiently, and build public trust, it is essential that government agencies know their own state’s individual FOIA requirements.

Mandated agencies that fail to comply with a FOIA request are opening themselves up to several potential consequences, and none of these are good.

Agencies beholden to the Act that should be aware of the risks associated with non-compliance include:

Now that we have identified the types of agencies covered by the Act, let us look at what you can expect to happen if you or your organization fails to properly comply with a FOIA request.

What Can Happen If Your Agency Fails to Comply With a FOIA Request?

There are several things that can happen if you or your organization fail to properly comply with a FOIA request:

Now that we have looked at some of the things that can happen if your organization fails to comply with a FOIA request let us now consider some of the most common ways that agencies fail to achieve compliance.

Make Complying With FOIA Requests Simpler Than Ever

NextRequest software makes FOIA request intake, processing, and release an intuitive and painless experience. Request a demo to see NextRequest in action and get started.

Ways That Agencies May Not Be Properly Complying With the FOIA

There are several ways that agencies can be non-compliant, which include but are not limited to:

Staying on Top of It – The Best Way for Government Agencies to Stay on Top of FOIA Requests

It is important for mandated agencies to comply with FOIA requests and provide timely and complete access to public information, as failure to do so can clearly have significant consequences.

Adopting an automated solution, like NextRequest, is the best way for governments to handle FOIA requests. By automating the FOIA request process, government agencies can improve the efficiency and accuracy of the process, reduce errors, and improve compliance.

While it is important to draw a distinction between agencies and individuals that actively choose not to comply with a FOIA request, which is, of course, much more serious than accidentally missing a deadline or making an honest mistake, it is equally important to keep in mind that, accidental or otherwise, there can be negative consequences for ignoring a FOIA request.